Operational efficiency

We strive for CO2 neutrality and a sustainable water footprint, and we follow the zero-waste approach.

We want to become climate neutral by 2040 and have set ourselves a 1.5°C-compatible target by 2030 at the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This target provides for a reduction of -52,5 % CO2eq by 2030 in Scopes 1, 2 and 3. Our climate targets are flanked by continuous efficiency improvements and the increasing use of renewable energies. We have defined specific water targets based on the WWF Water Stewardship Project. In addition, we will utilise 100% of production waste for material recycling or energy recovery by 2025. In doing so, we maximise material recycling.

Furthermore, the WEPA Group is certified in accordance with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. This underpins our engagement for environmental issues and our sensitive handling of the resource energy.

Active for climate protection

Our ambition: climate neutrality by 2040


SBTi 1.5° C target:

  • Reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030: - 52.5% CO2eq emissions/t* in Scopes 1 & 2 - 52.5% CO2eq emissions/t* in Scope 3
  • Target achievement is supported by: + 10% energy efficiency by 2030** #

* =reference value: finished goods + semi-finished goods sold + DIP sold

** =Total energy consumption in MWh/t of semi-finished goods produced + DIP produced

Find more information here.


WEPA Group reduces emissions by 52.5 % by 2030 → Click here for the article

Future-oriented waste management

Our targets and ambitions

We follow the principle of circular economy in the sense of conserving resources.

- 100% material or energy recovery of production waste by 2025

Maximising material recycling and minimising energy recycling.

Sustainable use of water

Our targets and ambitions

For us, as a company with water-intensive production processes, water stewardship* takes a very high priority – we are aware of our responsibility for this important resource and its importance for people and the environment.

- Contextualised** corporate water risk goals:

  • Reduction of corporate water risks to an average low water risk < 2.6 by 2030
  • No site of the WEPA Group may have a risk category > 3.6

- Water risks in the supply chain and in the river basin:

  • The WEPA Group is addressing water risks along its value chain and is committed to establishing a water stewardship.

- Commitment beyond the supply chain:

  • In cooperation with partners, WEPA is creating awareness for the protection of biodiversity and is actively engaged in the preservation and restoration of natural habitats in river basins.

*: Water stewardship is defined as a use of water that is socially and culturally equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial, and is achieved through a process that involves all stakeholders and comprises both site-specific and basin-wide measures

**: A goal that is derived from the context of the basin and contributes towards focusing the resources on the correct water-related challenges in the right places.

More information here: Sustainable water management at WEPA


The importance of water for WEPA and the importance of World Water Week → Click here for interview

Find further fields of action of our Sustainability Strategy