WEPA Feel Good

Introducing Feel Good - a new brand of recycled toilet paper from WEPA UK

In 2019, we had an idea: to create a new brand of recycled toilet paper for the UK market.

The journey to our new brand – Feel Good – began with customer consultation. We wanted to know what potential customers were looking for from their recycled toilet paper. 

After several months of liaising with customers and consumers, Feel Good was born. We felt that Feel Good perfectly captured the ethos of our new brand - from making a positive difference to the planet, to helping consumers feel good about doing their bit for the environment (at a reasonable price). 

But a brand is about much more than a name. We also needed to find top quality recycled papers. We used all our know-how and experience and worked together with WEPA Greenfield and trusted suppliers to get top quality recycled paper for the raw product and the paper wrap packaging, that would ensure the brand was fully recyclable.

The result will roll out onto UK shelves from summer 2021 and will be available as a 9-pack, with further range extensions planned. 
Our aim is to make Feel Good the number one recycled brand in the UK. The launch and subsequent growth of the brand will be supported by a comprehensive programme of marketing activity, including social media, digital advertising, consumer giveaways, and donations to relevant community causes.  

Got a question or want to know more about Feel Good? Learn more here https://feelgood.eco/faqs/

Our Feel Good brand has many benefits:
•    Made from 100% recycled papers
•    Manufactured in the UK
•    Bright white
•    Naturally soft
•    Packed in a recyclable paper wrap

For information on our products or to speak to our sales team, contact HellonoSpam@feelgoodnoSpam.eco

Visit our new Feel Good website: https://feelgood.eco/