07.03.2022 - Company

New Code of Conduct of the WEPA Group

With the introduction of its Code of Conduct, the WEPA Group manifests its values and sets a binding framework for taking a further step towards responsible action and sustainability – together for a better life.

Find out here what a Code of Conduct precisely is, what benefits it offers and what it includes at WEPA.

What is a Code of Conduct?

A Code of Conduct corresponds to a codex of behaviour for employees, consisting of a collection of guidelines and regulations for practice in everyday business. It serves as a guide to action for legally and ethically correct behaviour.

The Code of Conduct may vary from company to company and is modified to the specific needs and areas of activity. In this way, companies can accurately define individual concepts of working together in unison with their corporate culture. Possible topics are interaction and behaviour among colleagues, the handling of gifts and invitations, the handling of information, the prohibition of discrimination, the responsibility towards nature and the requirements for working conditions within and along the value chain.

What are the benefits for employees?

In order to establish identification with common values of the company, the Code of Conduct is a guideline, thus providing clarity on required behaviour. At the same time it ensures transparency and thus achieves orientation – even in the case of difficult topics.

What are the advantages for companies?

On the one hand, the Code of Conduct offers employees a great deal of security due to concrete guidelines, and on the other, it offers the entire company a wide spectrum of benefits. Find out here how a Code of Conduct can positively impact a company.

Enhancement of image and positive perception in the public sphere

Companies with a Code of Conduct create a clear stance, while assuring potential employees that they will be treated fairly and ethically and will experience no forms of discrimination. Communication about correct behaviour and the right way to deal with each other both internally and externally creates trust and forms a basis for long term partnerships.

A positive influence on social responsibility

A Code of Conduct promotes change within society. Businesses can help make the workplace a safe place for everyone. In this way a Code of Conduct significantly supports a company's social responsibility and lends it additional credibility.

Compliance with laws

The internal guidelines specified in the Code of Conduct outline to employees which laws and rules of conduct must be observed in everyday business. They act as a kind of manual that can be referred to at all times, and allow the sensible and intelligent weighing up of actions. The connection that exists between legal provisions and practices at the workplace should be thus made clear to employees. An effective Code of Conduct also regulates which consequences are to be expected if rules and regulations are violated.

Why was the Code of Conduct updated at the WEPA Group?

Value-oriented behaviour within the WEPA Group is very important to us. Respect, commitment and sustainability – these are the values that we have promoted and lived by both internally and externally for decades. What do we mean by this? That we treat each other with respect at all times. That we are responsible for each other and successful together. And that economic, ecological and social aspects are consistently taken into account in our practices and are in harmony with each other.

We wish to set down these basic convictions within a Code of Conduct so that employees are able to inform themselves about the applicable rules and regulations of the WEPA Group, can orient themselves by these rules in various situations and can act accordingly.

It is essential that our Code of Conduct is held in the highest regard. That is the reason why WEPA shares it with the public sphere.

What does the WEPA Code of Conduct contain?

Our Code of Conduct reflects our values, ideas and standards. With this in mind, we have focused in particular on the following aspects:

Human rights

We place particularly high value on human rights in our Code of Conduct. These include freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Furthermore, we do not tolerate forced labour or child labour and prohibit all forms of discrimination. At WEPA we also fully comply with all applicable legal regulations and official requirements as well as the standards of the International Labour Organisation.

Environmental standards

Not only people, but also the environment is of primary importance to us. We thus treat it respectfully in all aspects of our actions and practice, and follow all applicable laws without exception.

Diversity and inclusion

For us, diversity is not a trend but the right way to align a company. We see people as individuals who bring a great deal of experience, knowledge and perspective with them, in this way also having a positive impact on the company as a whole. Being different creates openness and space for creativity – which is precisely what we strive for as a company.

We prioritise that all employees and applicants feel comfortable, are treated on an equal basis and are given the same opportunities – independent of age, gender, social background, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or disability.

Product quality and product safety

WEPA represents best quality. Everything that leaves our warehouses complies with the highest standards. If we notice quality deviations in production we take action immediately. The products are blocked and further measures taken. If we receive complaints, we take these seriously and identify the appropriate solution in order to once again guarantee product quality and safety.

Would you like to know all the details of our Code of Conduct? Here you can download our entire Code of Coduct: Download now!