22.12.2021 - Company

A special partner project: restoration of Finnish peatlands

WEPA and their pulp supplier and long-time partner UPM joined forces to restore a peatland in Finland.

We believe that partnerships are essential when it comes to implementing the transformation towards a more sustainable future. Therefore, we are committed to SDG 17 “Partnerships for the goals” and can hardly wait to share some information about this great joined project we are working on together.

Why restoring peatlands?

In the past, peatlands, such as mires and bogs, were commonly drained in many places around the world to create additional land for agriculture and forestry as well as a source of energy.

But peatlands are important CO2 sinks and habitats for species that depend on wetlands. Through restoration we are creating biotopes for native animals and plants and making a contribution to biodiversity and climate protection.

It's great news, that today there are several peatland restoration projects taking place in Finland. And we are more than happy, that WEPA and UPM are part of it.

What do we do?

The work will begin with an inventory of the present moss and lichen species on the site. Over the next three years, restoring measures will be taken at an area that is about 5 hecatres big and located in UPM’s Harviala forest estate in southern Finland to elevate the water level to increase habitats for peatland species. We are therefore creating biotopes for native plants and animals, and making a contribution to biodiversity, climate and water.

This is expected to bring back typical mire vegetation and species such as the plants cloudberry and sundew as well as the bird red grouse.

In the long run we hope for the return of even more demanding and rare species, such as various types of moss and sedge.

UPM and WEPA continue following the developments in the area, reporting on the findings and sharing information on wetland dwelling species regularly. We keep you posted!

Video Link: www.upmforestlife.com/interviews/natural-state-mire