14.04.2021 - Products & services

WEPA UK introduces Hybrid Fair Fibre in latest sustainability drive

Sustainability is at the core of WEPA UK and we are continually refining our manufacturing process to create truly sustainable paper products.

Moving into 2021, we are building on our strong sustainability foundations to push the boundaries of what can be achieved in the production of recycled paper products, such as toilet roll and kitchen paper.
Currently, 100 per cent of our hygiene paper is made from sustainable fibre, comprising pulp with FSC and PEC certification and recycled fibres, plus all of our packaging is recyclable. However, we are always looking to find new ways to create more products and evolve our manufacturing processes.

With this innovative thinking, we developed our newest solution: Hybrid Fair Fibres.

The best of both worlds
Hybrid Fair Fibre toilet paper and kitchen roll are made using a combination of recycled paper, known as de-inked pulp or DIP*, and our normal pulp.
Between 15 – 20% of DIP is mixed with our normal Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified pulp, which comes from sustainable forestry, to create Hybrid Fair Fibre papers, which can then be used to create new products that are more environmentally-friendly.
Using DIP in Hybrid Fair Fibre papers can greatly help to reduce the environmental footprint of the finished product, contributing to creating a circular economy. 

A more sustainable future
At WEPA UK, we aim to continue enhancing our relationship with the environment, in turn making the entire paper manufacturing sector more sustainable. 
The need for the industry to be greener is something that has been highlighted in leading reports. Therefore, we are always looking at both the immediate, short-term impact we can have; as well as longer-term commitments to being a greener business. 

Securing the future of our business means implementing changes to our sustainability pledges, such as introducing Hybrid Fair Fibre papers, which will have immediate short-term effects, as well as long-lasting benefits to the environment.

Hybrid Fair Fibre has the potential to make a huge difference to the environmental impact the paper-making industry has - and it is just one of many sustainability innovations we have in the pipeline.
Be sure to keep an eye on our website for more updates and read more about how sustainability is at the heart of our business.

*DIP= De-inking is a process involving the removal of printing ink from paper fibres. A stage of recycling paper to make de-inked pulp. The key element in the process is the ability to detach ink from the fibres.