30.07.2019 - Products & services

Toilet tissue trivia

When was the first wipe?
The earliest recorded use of toilet tissue comes from China in the 6th century AD, where it was extremely popular amongst royalty, particularly at the time of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor Hong Wu was especially fond of the stuff and ordered 15,000 sheets to be made soft and perfumed for his own personal use.

What did people do before toilet tissue?
What people used before household paper was generally dependant on social status and location. The wealthy were known to favour wool or a washable rag. However, the less fortunate had no option but to go for the easiest item available, grabbing a handful of grass, a bunch of leaves, or straw if there was some in the vicinity. The general rule of thumb was: use whatever does the job at the time!

What about more inventive uses of the soft white stuff?
Toilet tissue has so much more potential than the intended job it was manufactured for! One of those offshoot industries has given rise to wedding dresses made from toilet tissue. Hundreds are made each year, and many surprisingly make it down the aisle! There is even an annual competition in New York for the best wedding dress made from toilet tissue, with the designer winning a prize fund of $10,000 and major publicity globally.