26.10.2021 - Company

Menopause awareness: an updated WEPA UK policy

Did you know that October is World Menopause Awareness Month? Established by the International Menopause Society and World Health Organisation, the month aims to raise further awareness of, and destigmatise conversations about, the menopause.

Menopause is a normal and natural part of the ageing process, which usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, and typically lasts between four and eight years.

Although it is generally associated with women over a certain age, in reality it can affect people at any age. Everyone’s experience will differ, and menopausal symptoms can occasionally begin before the age of 40. Perimenopause, or menopause transition, begins several years before menopause.

It can be a difficult and emotional time for those experiencing menopause, but with the right support in place, these difficulties can be alleviated.

That’s why we have chosen October to launch the new WEPA UK menopause policy.

At WEPA UK, we take all possible measures to support the health and wellbeing of our colleagues. As part of those measures, we want to ensure that all our colleagues are fully aware of the support available to them during sensitive times such as the menopause.

Our new policy recognises that the menopause is an equality and occupational health and safety issue, and that staff may need appropriate flexibility and support. We are committed to treating all individuals with dignity and respect during this time and ensure that the workplace does not exacerbate their symptoms.

Some of the considerations in our new policy include:

- Promoting an open and understanding working environment.

- A change to the pattern of hours worked.

- Flexibility to perform work from home.

- Flexibility in dress codes to accommodate for personal temperature changes.

There are also confidential support mechanisms in place for those employees who do not wish to discuss the issue with their direct line manager.

This as a positive step forward in our strategy to maintain the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of our employees.

For more resources about how to manage the menopause, visit the NHS or Menopause Matters.