31.07.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Thomas Hellermann, Head of Sales


It took us 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to work this morning. We rode "only" 25km. We needed “so long” for the route, because we left the car today and came to work by bike.

It all started when my colleague Volker bought an e-bike and used it to travel to work. I was immediately inspired and gripped by ambition. A short time later my colleague Manfred, who lives around the corner from me, said that he cycled to work every now and then. I said straight away that I would be there next time.

I don't do a lot of exercise per se, except for running with the dog regularly. But I think the variation is brilliant - the journey to work, combining it with sport, then together with my colleagues being outdoors in the fresh air. This has a positive side effect, we are doing something good for the environment. For me this is a perfect combination that I can recommend everyone tries.