28.12.2021 - Career

Behind the tissue: Stephan Küpper, Key Account Manager, WEPA Professional

“You always know what you've got, but you never know what you’ll get.” I had to think of this saying two years ago when I applied for a job at WEPA. Changing jobs was, in the beginning, a step into the unknown for me. But now, two years after I started I’m really happy to have done it. The cooperation with the team, a mix of young and old, is really harmonious. Working and discussing with younger colleagues enables me to see things from a new perspective – it’s clear to me that the familiar path doesn’t always lead to the best solution. The open culture of communication within the team always ensures exchange and communication at eye level. Or put another way: there’s nobody with whom I wouldn’t meet privately.

Whether at work, with my family or in my hobby, the carnival society, I always try to keep my word and I think it’s very important I can be relied on. I’ve been a member of my carnival society for 30 years and was on their board for several years as well. My highlight during that period was certainly the 2009 season when I was Prince in a carnival triumvirate.