31.12.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Roel Vossen

HR Consultant, Swalmen


In the last year of my Human Resource Management studies, my final hands-on training involved me looking for a company with an informal corporate culture. Why was that? Because I knew after a number of practical courses that this would be the best match for me.

HR means working at the heart of an organisation. Relations to both senior management and those to the other employees are extremely important for me. The need is to know everything that is being done. From service-related support through to strategic thinking for oneself and implementation, it is a primarily about a feeling of being “together”. After all, we work together every day to come up with the best possible. I’m delighted to see that this is true at WEPA in such a sociable and informal environment. Moreover, my “what you see is what you get” motto matches the open-minded and honest culture at WEPA and this makes me feel welcome. 

It is not so surprising that HR is my special field. I am someone who likes being active in village community matters. The voluntary work I do in my free time means that I am often the contact person. Together we roll up our sleeves to improve the quality of life in our village! Whether that is the football club, carnival association or any other worthwhile cause is not that important. This is where I get my energy from. Even where there is occasionally a lot to do, it’s all very sociable and the “We are doing this together” feeling comes across – and that is great! 

I cannot believe on looking back how I have developed in over three years at WEPA. Actually, everything is turning out well. Fortunately, WEPA provides sufficient challenges and opportunities for development and by working on them every day you also feel the trust growing.