04.12.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Nicole Markert

Head of Dispatch including high-bay warehouse


I moved to Müschede 10 years ago for a position with WEPA. I have never regretted this decision, because I ended up meeting my husband right here in the Sauerland.

We have a 3-year-old daughter together, with whom we love to travel and discover new things. Due to the current situation we are currently mostly exploring Germany and the beautiful regions of the country.

Back then, I started as a process engineer in paper production at WEPA. After several stints in paper processing I wound up in the logistics department. It’s just great how compatible my job is with my family life. At WEPA, you simply feel that skills and people matter!

I would like to encourage young women to be enthusiastic about technical training or technical studies. Just to have more confidence in themselves.
Back in my training days as a microtechnologist (which was super fun), there were four girls among 20 trainees. There really need to be more.

Have courage, take on the challenge. If you are interested in a technical profession, all possibilities are open to you. Just take a chance. It’s the only way to know what you’ll enjoy!