22.06.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Melanie Kaufmann, Assistant to the Purchasing Manager and Ralph Kaufmann, Head of Sales International Business Wepro

For us, “family life” in a family business has been part of life for many years and has stood the test of time.

The situation at home and in the company has changed over the past 16 years. WEPA has grown and our family has also grown with our two children. The theme of “perform & transform” is also practised in our home.
Since we as parents also have to deal with time management, appointment coordination, new challenges and more responsibility, we also have to “perform” at home every day.

Our children are getting older, the world is becoming more digital. We counter this with more independence and modern means of communication, so we also notice how the “transform” phase is initiated at home. Conversely, this also means more time for us again. Actively taking part in each other’s lives is important. Especially when you are often separated by business trips. However, these temporary separations have had a very positive effect on the quality of our time together. Our recipe for success is a good mixture of time for ourselves and time well used together. Preferably as a family, with the children and recently also with our dog.