17.12.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Antonio Rebelo


Transport Manager WEPA France


My history with the company began in 1982, and with WEPA in 2008. I witnessed all stages of the life of this family business as it has grown and developed.

I consider my colleagues my family. My personal life and my professional life are closely intertwined. I’m the same in one as in the other, my approach does not change. When I tackle something, I do everything I can to make it work. There is no second Antonio.
I have always been fortunate to be employed by family businesses. WEPA shares strong values that correspond to mine and accompany me in my daily life.

As a member of the Social and Economic Committee, I am and always will be dedicated to fairness. I am always committed to the sustainability of the company by promoting dialogue between employees and management.

I never keep anything to myself. Once I learn something, I immediately pass it on if it can be useful to the people around me. As Transport Manager, I make sure that all the people I train in turn share their knowledge with the group and that everyone helps and learns from each other. This is the best way to achieve progress!