19.11.2021 - Company

World Toilet Day 2021: Maximum strength for a good cause

19th November is World Toilet Day. This year, our customer and cooperation partner Goldeimer has once again come up with something very special: the weight-lifting "Popo-Pumper" figure strikingly displayed on their toilet paper packaging is being brought to life in a social media campaign. The motto is "Mach dich stark für Klos!" (Get strong for toilets!). With this slogan Goldeimer not only draws attention to World Toilet Day, but also presents the 100% recycled Goldeimer toilet paper produced by us as well as associated WASH projects as part of the overall campaign (info: WASH stands for WAter, Sanitary and Hygiene. The three components are mutually dependent, and only in unison can they achieve sustainable improvements in living conditions). Since 2014, Goldeimer has been working together with Viva con Agua and World Hunger Aid to support WASH projects around the world.

How is Goldeimer involved in World Toilet Day?

For Goldeimer, global sanitation isn’t only important on World Toilet Day: 3.6 billion people have no access to clean water or their own toilet. It is precisely this fact that Goldeimer wants to change.

The non-profit company set a milestone in 2016: this was the year Goldeimer invented the first "social toilet paper". With the sales the Hamburg-based company supports Viva con Agua and World Hunger Aid projects. The paper is produced in the WEPA factory in Mainz and is produced from 100% recycled paper.

The aim: providing people all over the world with access to clean water and safe sanitation and hygiene.

On the occasion of World Toilet Day 2020, we took part in a Goldeimer campaign in #klovember to support a sanitary hygiene project in Uganda. For every toilet paper pack sold we donated 45 cents to the sanitary hygiene project.

What does this year's "Get strong for toilets!" campaign stand for?

On the occasion of World Toilet Day, Goldeimer is this year once again drawing attention to the lack of sanitation – and calls on the community to spread and broadcast the vision of "Toilets for all! All for toilets!" with a photo in the style of the "Popo-Pumper" figure. Via the campaign the company aim to communicate: Today is World Toilet Day. Get strong for toilets. Spread our message, buy Goldeimer toilet paper and support global WASH projects!

Well-known testimonials such as Frederik Lau, German actor and long-time supporter of Goldeimer and Viva con Agua, are generously providing support for the campaign.