29.03.2019 - Press

WEPA Group takes over Arjowiggins Greenfield plant in France

Arnsberg, 29/3/2019 WEPA Hygieneprodukte GmbH, headquartered in Arnsberg/ Germany has been awarded to take over the business activities of the Arjowiggins Greenfield plant in ChateauThierry, France. The decision was taken by the commercial court of Nanterre on Friday, 29 March 2019. The Greenfield mill is part of the Graphic Paper division of the French Arjowiggins Group and filed insolvency together with two sister companies in January 2019. With 74 employees the plant has a yearly production capacity of approx. 130,000 tons of de-inked pulp for various applications such as graphic paper and tissue. Martin Krengel, CEO of the WEPA Group, says: „As a family business we have an overall sustainable orientation and the use of recycled paper is an essential component of our raw material strategy. With the takeover of the Greenfield mill we further strengthen our position as a European private label tissue specialist and as a market leader in the field of recycled papers. In addition, we ensure our long-term supply with de-inked pulp.” The WEPA Group is the third largest supplier in the European tissue market with an annual turnover of approx. € 1.2 billion. The family business employs around 4,000 people at twelve locations throughout Europe, including two plants in France with about 700 employees. By integrating the Greenfield site, WEPA expands its capacity in the processing of recycled paper and further optimizes its supply chain ensuring to meet the high demand for recycled and hybrid (a combination of recycled and pure pulp) tissue products on a high quality and sustainability base.