28.04.2021 - Company

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Work safely, stay healthy

Health and safety at work: a day of remembrance on 28 April reminds us that this is a fundamental right for all people.

Health and safety at work is an important concern for us at WEPA, which we put in action through numerous campaigns and measures.
Starting with health and safety days, the introduction of ergonomic workplaces, a group-wide exchange of experience and the development of best practice examples to counteract the risk of accidents.

With the motto “Safety is You”, we as the WEPA Group are now working together to promote occupational safety. A “Behaviour Safety Programme” is intended to provide the basis for improving the safety behaviour of each individual employee. All this has the aim of giving occupational safety the highest priority in our daily work processes.
But what we take for granted is far from being a reality in all companies or industries worldwide. This is exactly what the “World Day for Safety and Health at Work” on 28 April points out: everyone who works has a fundamental right to social justice, to human and labour rights being respected and to work not making people ill.

The “International Labour Organisation” in Geneva, the ILO, which belongs to the United Nations, is behind the day, which is also celebrated as “ILO World Day” or “Safe Day” for short. It is a venerable institution: it was founded after the World War I to promote lasting peace through social justice. Its work and achievements earned it the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969. 

This year's “Safe Day” on 28 April 2021 is dedicated to infection control for obvious reasons. “Stop the pandemic” – naturally, we at WEPA endorse this motto. 
Not only because we provide hygiene products and solutions for millions of people in Europe, but precisely because we do everything we can to ensure that the working environment of people at WEPA is safe and that we all stay healthy!