10.08.2020 - Career

Welcome new WEPA trainees!

We welcome 36 new apprentices to all German locations


This week, 36 new apprentices started their careers at WEPA. Among them are 32 technical and industrial trainees, three commercial trainees and one dual course student. 

"We are pleased that this year too, numerous qualified young people are starting their training in our company", says Friedrich-Wilhelm Vogel, HR manager in Giershagen.

“The training - whether classic or as part of a dual course of study - is very important at WEPA. It is key to us to provide needs-based training and be able to show young people perspectives in our company beyond their training,” adds Stephanie Huxol, training manager in Müschede.

WEPA offers training in 16 different areas in total. The company will train most of the young people this year to become industrial mechanics and machine and system operators.

In the Sauerland, WEPA currently employs 61 trainees across all age groups.

This year’s training has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic – whether the application process or the welcome day, according to Huxol. Job interviews were conducted by telephone or video conference and a welcome day in June took place virtually.

WEPA wishes all new trainees a good start, an exciting and interesting time and, of course, lots of success and fun.