31.07.2020 - Sustainability

What belongs in the waste paper?


Recycling is one of our company’s great strengths. But recycling should actually start at another point: at home with each and every one of us.


A proud three quarters of German paper production is currently based on waste paper. This is a great success story, and thanks go to numerous environmentally conscious consumers: that separate their rubbish and ensure that waste paper ends up in the blue recycling bin or in the public waste container.

And this all makes sense. On the one hand, waste paper is a valuable raw material and can be reused several times after it has been processed. This not only protects the natural raw material, wood; the energy and water consumption used in the recycling process is also lower than in the production of “new” paper. And on the other hand, we as consumers are generating more and more waste: in the past 25 years, the amount of paper packaging alone has increased by 65% in Germany. 

Last but not least, our own brand „mach m!t“ made from 100% waste paper shows that great quality and environmentally friendly products can be made from waste paper. But what should really go into the blue bin so that recycling goes smoothly?

Our overview tries to explain it.


What belongs in the waste paper? 

  • Newspapers, magazines, flyers
  • Boxes and food packaging made of pure paper and cardboard - but only if they are not dirty (then in the residual waste!)
  • Egg boxes, detergent boxes, shoe boxes
  • Paper and cardboard from schools and offices, if possible without adhesive strips or stickers. Cardboard folders should be freed from metal parts.
  • Brochures, catalogs and paperback-bound books
  • Envelopes, also with a window
  • Uncoated wrapping paper and uncoated gift boxes
  • Flower paper, roll and fruit paper bags


These do not belong in the waste paper:

  • Juice and milk cartons, soup bags, packaging for frozen goods and other composite packaging, disposable paper cups (coffee-to-go). They belong in the yellow bin or the yellow sack as general waste.
  • Baking and sandwich paper and other coated papers, photos, wallpaper, kitchen rolls, paper handkerchiefs, nappies. They all belong in the residual waste.
  • Receipts, bank statements, tickets and vending machine tickets are often treated with chemicals. Therefore, they should also be disposed of directly in the residual waste.


By the way: We also ensure that WEPA recycles in companies, authorities and public places: We collect used paper towels and use them to produce new paper towels.