12.08.2020 - Sustainability | Company

Visit to WEPA in Müschede- discussion about economic policy issues


How is the current situation of the paper industry, what influence does the corona pandemic have and what role does the paper industry play in a sustainable circular economy?


These and other topics were discusses by our CEO Martin Krengel, COO Dr. Hendrik Otto and Udo Raumann, plant manager Müschede, with the North-Rhine-Westphalian Minister for Economics, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart. 

The invitation for the visit came from "Wirtschaftsverband der rheinisch-westfälischen papiererzeugenden Industrie e.V.". On the part of the association, Martin Drews and Christina Kass also attended the meeting.

Discussions took place around the current situation of the paper industry and what influence the Covid-19 pandemic has had on this, as well as what role does the paper industry play in a circular economy. Considered the discussions were the importance of location factors such as stable and economically competitive energy supply, a secure water supply with an emphasis on limiting bureaucratic hurdles when it came to testing and approval procedures. Digitalisation as a mega trend for the industry and future innovatice concepts, such as co2-free paper production were also debated.

In addition to the debate on economic and political issues a factory tour was arranged; however, due to covid-19 regulations, the tour had to be shortened. The minister was given an insight into the production of hygienic paper and was impressed by the modernity of production and manufacturing facilities at the Müschede plant.