26.08.2020 - Products & services

Toilet Paper Day


A story about a daily used hygienic paper  

Never before has toilet paper received so much attention as in recent months. That shows up also with Google: still at the beginning of march "toilet paper" was not to be found under the top search inquiries, now it is in the upper ranks beside "disinfectant" and "mask". Besides the Federal Statistical Office reported for the period between that 16. and 22. march an increase of the demand by 211%. 

But where does the origin actually lie? Even before the invention of toilet paper, there were numerous aids with which people knew how to help themselves - including leaves, pieces of fur, hay or rags. In Hawaii, the natives used coconut bark, the Eskimos used snow, and the French royal family swore by the use of silk scarves. 

In the 14th century, paper was used as toilet paper for the first time in China. However, the first commercially available paper, which was produced in a factory specifically as toilet paper, was not found in the USA until 1857. At that time it consisted of individual sheets in a box and was impregnated with aloe extracts. The toilet paper on rolls, as we know it today, dates from the late 19th century. 

And what is the situation in Germany? In 1928, the first toilet paper factory was founded, which initially still produced toilet paper from rough crepe paper.
Later, the softer tissue paper, which is much more pleasant on the skin, spreads. 
In 1958, 10 years after its foundation, WEPA also specialized in the production of hygiene products. Today, as the third largest supplier in Europe, our sustainable and innovative hygiene solutions ensure a safe feeling of hygiene for millions of consumers throughout Europe.