19.11.2020 - Sustainability

Today is World Toilet Day

All for toilets, toilets for all

19 November is World Toilet Day: this day should not only encourage reflection, but also action!

For everyone else it is November, for us it’s #klovember! Because that is the name of the campaign by our customer and cooperation partner GOLDEIMER to support a sanitary hygiene project in Uganda, in which we are happy to participate.

However, this is merely one of the many good ideas by GOLDEIMER surrounding the official World Toilet Day on 19 November. What initially sounds like a joke has a serious background: for more than half of humanity, clean water or a toilet of their own are but a very remote prospect. What is unimaginable for us is everyday life for billions of people.

To Hamburg company GOLDEIMER, this meant high time to act – which is why they invented the first “social toilet paper” in 2016. Through its sale, the non-profit company supports projects by Viva con Agua and the Welthungerhilfe. Their common goal is to ensure access to clean water and safe sanitation and hygiene for people worldwide. 

WEPA is a part of this – because the unmistakable GOLDEIMER toilet paper comes from our factory in Mainz: It is made of 100% recycled fibre, proudly bears the “Blauer Engel” ecolabel and comes with recyclable packaging containing 30% recycled plastic and 15% chalk. 

And since we are so enthusiastic about the people and the idea of GOLDEIMER, we donate 35 cents from each pack of toilet paper sold to Viva con Agua. In “Klovember 2020” we will put in another 10 cents for the sanitary hygiene project carried out by GOLDEIMER alongside the Welthungerhilfe in Karamoja/Uganda.

Not only we at WEPA are convinced of the good cause: In 2019, GOLDEIMER received the German Sustainability Award – chosen by consumers. So, if you also want to do good for people while doing small or big business: go for GOLDEIMER. #SolidBusiness either way!