16.09.2020 - Sustainability | Products & services

Recycling toilet paper tested

WEPA receives a very good

test result from ÖKO Test


A total of 20 toilet papers were tested by ÖKO Test.
Among them also our products from mach m!t and BlackSatino.

Criteria were among others tear resistance, absorbency and softness. 

Which are the best toilet papers according to ÖKO Test?
Among others, our products from mach m!t were rated "very good". 
The BlackSatino products scored "good".

Of course we are very happy about this test result.
As a recycling specialist, WEPA has been focused on sustainability since its foundation.
This is now the confirmation that "mach m!t" and "BlackSatino" are not only good for the environment but also great products for the consumer.

For the complete report (in german) by ÖKO Test click here.