22.06.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Klaus Werthmann, Occupational Safety Specialist

My great passion is riding motorcycles. At this point in time, however, I try to ride with more awareness and foresight.

A few years ago, I had an accident on my way to the Münsterland region in the summer. I was riding behind a tractor with two trailers holding grain. The tractor pulled into a roundabout and grain fell off the trailer. The grain was lying on the asphalt like beads, which made me slip and fall with my bike. Knock on wood – I got away unscathed and the damage was limited to my vehicle, except for some slight skin abrasions. However, there was a reason for that. I was wearing leather-thick protector pants. Things would have gone a lot worse if I hadn't been riding with the right equipment.

In my job, I have similar concerns regarding safety, not only for myself but also for my colleagues. I try not to worry, but instead to be caring. Over the years, my profession has become a vocation for me, and caring for colleagues has become as important as caring for myself. This gives me a good, safe feeling and I hope my colleagues feel the same.