19.06.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Judith Walsh, HR Director UK

One passion of mine is Destiny, my orange VW caravan from 1972.


I love to travel with it and camp at music festivals -- either on my own, with friends or with my two daughters. Driving and living in my caravan gives me the ultimate feeling of freedom. This might conflict with the way I act in my role as HR director. You might say:
“I guess this is how she expresses her wild side,” or “this is her chance to be who she really is.”

It’s not like that, however. From day one, working at WEPA has allowed me to be exactly the way I am. I feel encouraged to freely express my personality and my values. Nobody cares about my bright red hair, performance is all that counts. In fact, I even feel that WEPA wants people to be who they really are.
So I can honestly say that I feel a sense of freedom not only when driving and camping with Destiny, but also in my everyday work.