28.10.2021 - Company

Innovation based on tradition

WEPA is a European family business with a fine tradition. Respect, commitment, sustainability – these are the values we have practised both inside and outside of our company for decades. The topic of sustainability in particular is dear to us and determines our culture of innovation.

This year, we became part of the welt.de film series “Innovation Deutschland” (“Innovation Germany”) with our title “Innovation based on tradition”. The project presents companies from the perspectives of quality, tradition, progress and vision. Click here to find out what Innovation based on tradition means to us, what role sustainability plays in our corporate culture and what our vision for the future looks like.

What does “Innovation based on tradition” mean at WEPA?

Behind every innovation in our company, there is also a piece of tradition – experience from over 70 years of company history. The WEPA family business thinks and acts beyond generations. At every turn, those in charge have been united by a pioneering entrepreneurial spirit and responsibility in action. Currently, the entrepreneurial family’s third generation is already actively involved in our company operations: “You notice the strong sense of personality and the enormous zest for action in the company – and that gets me enthusiastic. That makes me happy to come to work every day and lets me know that we can really achieve something together”, stated Andreas Krengel, Member of the Management Board.

A pioneer in the hygiene paper industry

We laid the foundation for more sustainability in the hygiene paper sector back in the early 1980s with the development of a toilet paper based on recycled fibres – a groundbreaking innovation at the time. It is not for nothing that we are considered a pioneer in the production of sustainable hygiene paper and utilise toilet paper from eco-friendly manufacturing as food for thought for the trade.

Our innovation system today

Today as ever, we are in tune with our time. 13 locations, new product innovations: a modern corporate structure provides us with the space for a constructive and cooperative exchange between us as manufacturers, our customers and consumers. Together with our customers and partners, we are constantly working on sustainable solutions and developing real product and service innovations.

What role does sustainability play at WEPA?

We understand sustainability as a comprehensive concept in the areas of economy, ecology and social issues and therefore consistently contribute to climate protection and nature conservation. “The topic of sustainability isn't just a trend for us. It’s always been part of WEPA’s DNA and is firmly anchored in our corporate strategy,” emphasised Jessica Schmitt, Head of Marketing Consumer International. We also support the UN Sustainability Development Goals. They provide companies with a clear framework for sustainability targets, compliance with which in day-to-day operations constitutes a major contribution to a better future.

How does WEPA intend to develop the market in a future-oriented way?

The issue of sustainability has increased in relevance and will continue to do so for our customers and consumers alike. It is the focus of our strategy, for which we identified clear differentiation potential in the market. We set ambitious sustainability targets for ourselves. To achieve them, we question the status quo and work on many new solutions.

Our reactions to current requirements

In recent years, people’s consumer behaviour has changed. For instance, they are now paying more attention to sustainable production. We welcome this development. “Of course, it’s fantastic for us to see that consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the topic and are willing to deal with it more consciously,” stated Jessica Schmitt.

New needs require new solutions. For this reason, we are always on the lookout for sustainable packaging solutions and alternative fibres to continually optimise our product portfolio and respond with suitable products – for instance with 100%recycled toilet paper or hybrid products. Another goal we pursue in this context: we support our customers in achieving their sustainability goals.

Our plans for the future

In the decades to come, we will uphold our commitment to this important issue and will continue to take into account all aspects of sustainability to make our decisions as sustainable as possible. Our modern corporate culture and our in-house innovation management continue to focus on working together with customers to develop sustainable hygiene solutions. This constant cooperation is what enables real product and service innovations in the first place.



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