27.03.2021 - Sustainability

Earth Hour


Lights off, climate protection on!

Earth Hour – the hour of the earth – is one of the simplest and at the same time most spectacular ideas to take a stand for climate protection.

Today, on 27 March, at half past eight in the evening, the lights will go out all around our planet. What at first sounds like a horror scenario is the WWF’s largest global environmental campaign. Lights off, climate protection on: That is the motto again this year at 20:30 h local time.

Earth Hour means consciously going without electric light for exactly one hour and thus becoming part of a worldwide community. Numerous cities and municipalities and many companies around the world participate year after year. Illuminated monuments or houses, churches or other public buildings will suddenly go dark, and in offices, flats and houses, millions of people take a personal stand with just one hand movement.

The resulting images are always impressive and carry the message across the world. For anyone who wants to participate: a photo, the hashtags #LIGHTSOFF and #EARTHHOUR and a small personal message are enough to draw the attention of friends, fans and followers to environmental protection, the climate crisis or the energy transition.

We at WEPA are of course also taking part in this WWF campaign. Where possible, we will switch off the lights to take a stand.