19.06.2020 - Career | Sustainability

Behind the tissue: Dominic Frerkes, Director of Maintenance

For me it is not only the story ‘Behind the tissue’, but also “behind the bees”.

I had read about a beekeeping course in the newspaper and registered for it. At the time, I could not have guessed that a hobby and a passion would arise from that.

What appeals to me about this hobby is the connection to nature. It not only gives me the opportunity to do something I enjoy, but it also allows me to relax in an amazing way. Last year I harvested 240 kg of honey, the amount gradually increased over the years. That does make me proud.

Old clichés are being broken down at this point. Beekeeping is a modern hobby for me from a nature conservation perspective as well, and there are many young beekeepers in my club. Most people are enthusiastic about the mixture of nature and conservation. The fact that you generate a massive amount of delicious honey from it is an added bonus. Many schools nowadays offer beekeeping work groups. That is a great initiative. I also brought a colony of bees to WEPA for health day. Accordingly, there are now also WEPA bees.

Since the topic is so relevant to the future, I am always happy to see beekeepers’ children taken along to club meetings. This not only introduces them to a great hobby, but also to topics like nature conservation. I believe that in ten years, even more young people will be enthusiastic about it. At least I hope so.