22.06.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Christina Friedrich, Paper Engineer

A collegial spirit is especially important to me.

You spend most of the day with your colleagues and if you don't get along well, this automatically affects the mood at work. What does that involve for me? Showing genuine interest, respecting the work of colleagues and supporting each other with our work. I think it's important to be there for each other and to look after one another. Without team spirit between colleagues, nothing works.

What would one need for my job? A great degree of responsibility and interest in technology. The latter was something I did have to develop. During my training, I found it exciting to take a look at the technical processes “behind the scenes”.

At the moment I mainly work with male colleagues within our team. The atmosphere is open, relaxed and collegial. Nevertheless, I would be especially excited if more women became enthusiastic about my profession in the future.