08.09.2020 - Company

CDU politicians visit plant in Giershagen


An exchange on company and location-related topics as well as a tour of the plant were the focus of the visit by NRW-Arbeits- und Gesundheitsminister Karl-Josef Laumann to the Giershagen plant last Thursday.

The visit was initiated by Marsberg's candidate for mayor, Thomas Schröder. Matthias Kerkhoff, Landtagsabgeordneter, and other CDU politicians from Marsberg also took part.

COO Dr. Hendrik Otto and plant manager Frank-Peter Folcz exchanged views with the guests on topics such as family business, training, co-determination, environment, recycling, energy production and availability of raw materials. They also provided information on the impact of the corona pandemic on the tissue paper industry.

During a tour of the mill, which was shortened due to corona regulations, the guests were given an insight into the production of tissue paper and were impressed by the modernity of the production.

Picture: f.l.t.r.:  Manuela Köhne (CDU-Kandidatin Kreistag), Werkleiter Frank-Peter Folcz, Matthias Mönnighoff (stv. Fraktionssprecher der CDU im Rat der Stadt Marsberg), Thomas Schröder (CDU-Bürgermeisterkandidat), Eberhard Banneyer (Fraktionssprecher der CDU im Rat der Stadt Marsberg), NRW-Arbeits- und Gesundheitsminister Karl-Josef Laumann, Norbert Atorf (Vorstand CDU Stadtverband Marsberg), COO Dr. Hendrik Otto und MdL Matthias Kerkhoff.