31.12.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Roel Vossen

HR Consultant, Swalmen


In the last year of my Human Resource Management studies I was on the lookout for a company with an informal and colloquial corporate culture for my final internship. Why? Because after having done a few internships, I knew this would best suit me as a person.

In HR, you work in the centre of the organisation. In that sense, relationships are very important to me, both with the senior management and with my other colleagues. You have to know about everything that's happening. Whether it's service-related support or strategic thinking and strategic implementation, it's really all about that "together" feeling: we work together day by day to get the best out of everything. And I'm really pleased that it's possible at WEPA with the company's social and relaxed environment. Also, my motto is "what you see is what you get", and because that fits well with WEPA's open and honest culture I've got the feeling that I'm in good hands. 

It's actually not that surprising that HR is my particular area of expertise. In my spare time I'm also someone who likes to be active in the village community. I do volunteer work, which means I'm often the liaison person. We roll up our sleeves together – for more quality of life in our village! Whether it's the football club, the carnival association or other good causes isn't so important, it just gives me energy. And even though sometimes there's a lot to do, it's among friends and there's a sense of "we're all in it together" – and that's great. 

Looking back on it all now, it's amazing how I've been able to develop in just over three years at WEPA. Actually, everything's turning out fine. At WEPA there's enough challenges and opportunities to expand and mature thank goodness, and when you work on this every day you also feel your confidence grow.