03.11.2021 - Career

Behind the tissue: Rob Didden, Key Account Manager Belgium/Luxembourg

For me, the current period is very exciting, and special events are ahead: I recently celebrated my 60th birthday. Also, I will become a grandfather for the first time in a few months. I’m very excited to get to know my grandson and to spend time with him. I also recently celebrated my 25th work anniversary at WEPA.

Working at a family business with sustainability right in its DNA, a lot of dynamism, great colleagues, mutual respect and teamwork gives me a great deal of satisfaction and new energy at every turn. For me, this dynamism and passion will last until I retire! One of many highlights I experienced was being awarded the title Dutch Export Manager of the Year in 2009.

In my free time, I enjoy walking and traveling. My motto is ‘carpe diem’ – therefore, I enjoy life as much as possible and try to visit my favourite countries like France, Spain and Portugal on vacation.

I really like all kinds of sports: I used to play soccer and table tennis and practiced judo for a long time. I am a passionate soccer fan – my club is Feyenoord Rotterdam – and I always say that Feyenoord is my fourth love in life besides my family, work and my friends.