04.12.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Nicole Markert

Head of Dispatch incl. highbay warehouse


I moved to Müschede 10 years ago for a work position at WEPA. I never regretted the decision because here’s where I met my husband.

Together we've got a 3 year-old daughter, and we love to travel around with her and discover new things. Because of the current situation, we're currently exploring Germany and the beautiful regions to be found in the county.

I originally started as a process engineer in paper production at WEPA, and after several stations in paper processing I finally landed in the logistics division. I think it's really great how compatible my job is with my family. At WEPA you notice straightaway that it’s the abilities and the persons themselves that count!

I'd really like to encourage young women to get fired up about technical training or studying a technical subject. To just believe they can accomplish even more.
In my past training as a microtechnologist (which was a lot of fun), there were only four girls among all the 20 apprentices. That's not enough and it should be more.

Just have the guts to get things done. If you're interested in a technical profession you've got all the possibilities waiting at your doorstep. Simply take the plunge and dare to do it. It's only then that you find out if you like it!