12.01.2022 - Career

Behind the tissue: Misha Thissen, Plant Controller

I love spending time with my wife and children. With my son, who is eight, and my daughter, who is six, every day is a big adventure. I feel the family spirit not only in my own home, I also felt it at my workplace when I visited the plant in Piechowice, Poland, for a training session. It was there that I realised how big the WEPA Group actually is. Still, I didn’t feel like a stranger walking through the plant – everyone greeted me warmly and helped me out. From day one, I felt like I belonged among my colleagues in Poland.

Besides the adventures with my children, I discovered another great passion with two of my friends: brewing our own beer in my garage. We are always developing new recipes and trying different styles. Once we are satisfied with the taste, friends and family try it. Brewing with friends is a break from day-to-day business, because it is something complete different from my normal job. And who knows, maybe we’ll even sell our own brand one day!

Since I started working at the Swalmen location in 2014, sustainability has become a topic of discussion in our family, and we try to do our part as much as possible. From solar panels on the roof of our house to recycling our waste and teaching our children about the environment and having respect for the nature that surrounds us.