27.08.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Martin Rohde

Managing Director, WEPA Professional 


My youngest daughter is six years old and started school last week. Through her I learn a lot about current issues that affect her. Lately she has been asking me if I would like to ride to work by bike in the morning. Funnily enough, she does not ask my wife to do so. Sometimes I really have to smile, because I probably didn't think so much about the environment at that age. 

All my children pay attention to how much meat they eat and the older ones pay attention to how to get to university or to work. I think that's really remarkable. This generation simply inspires me. But I can also see many parallels to my job in the increased environmental awareness of my children.

Environmental awareness is also a clear focus for us. Our customers are very aware of ecological issues. We don't just want to keep up, we want to be innovative and sustainable and thus deliver real added value. A good example for this is our brand BlackSatino.