23.09.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Katja Kewekordes

Team Leader Financial Controlling

I am a passionate runner. For over two years I have been really enthusiastic about running. So much so that I have already participated in a few half-marathons. For me, my hobby is the perfect way to balance my job - my head gets to recover, whilst my body gets its turn to handle the stress.

I prefer to run in the forest, on narrow trails off the beaten track. This is more strenuous, but because it is so varied it is a positive experience, different every time. And that's exactly what appeals to me. I find the uneven ground, the tree roots, running uphill and then downhill such an exciting way to run, it is such a highlight.

That is similar in my job. I do not see myself as a sprinter. I work rather perseveringly and on a long-term basis, I have done that at WEPA for almost 10 years. In my job, too, I have daily challenges that excite me, ones that test me to my limits, completing these difficult tasks motivate me to grow and go on again, past one finish line to the next start line.