23.10.2020 - Career

Behind the tissue: Danny Forciniti

HR Systems & Processes Expert WEPA Group


I played football for a long time. I started as a goalkeeper, then I was in defence, later in midfield and finally I was a striker. The changes were partly about where the team most needed me at that particular time, but also about having the chance to try something different, something new. I can't really say which position I enjoyed the most, but what I always liked was to try out each one, to adjust myself to it, and in end effect, to prove my capabilities in the new position.

In terms of my profession I also had the opportunity to gain insights into various positions within the human resources department. So flexibility and change play a major role for me. But despite that though I'd describe myself as being constant and steadfast. I notice it for example in that I'm a very family-oriented person. My family and my partner ground me and provide me with an element of happiness.