05.03.2021 - Career

Behind the tissue: Anja Rohr


Environmental & Label Manager


I started out in WEPA’s environmental division in 2009. Shortly after, I was able to take charge of the environmental management for all our plants in Germany. In 2010, after the birth of our daughter, I went on parental leave. When I came back, I was able to start back up in my former position. And a short time after that, I was given the opportunity to take charge of the environmental management for all WEPA sites. In 2015, the topic of environmental labels, which is very exciting to me personally, was added to this. This is how I was able to continuously develop further at WEPA.

I am passionate about many things regarding WEPA. Most of all the family-friendly nature of the company. You can feel the unity in every respect. 

A nice example for this is the birth of my daughter. I not only got my former job back after returning from parental leave, but I was given even more responsibility. And I was able to work from home when I absolutely needed to even back then, 10 years ago. That used to be quite extraordinary back in the day. This demonstrates the great faith WEPA has in its employees. Family and career go together very well at WEPA.

The spirit of together is tangible everywhere. As a central role, I cooperate with many departments. It is really quite exciting to see what you can achieve together. We always set inspiring goals which we then realise in cooperation. You can do a lot by yourself – but even more as a team.

Another important issue to me is sustainability. I made a very conscious choice to study environmental engineering. Even as a young person I wanted to make a change in this area. For instance, I have been a vegetarian for many years. 

Professionally, this aspect is also very important to me, and WEPA provides me with the opportunity to make a change.