29.07.2021 - Career

Behind the tissue: Andreas Krengel

Member of the Management Board


This year has had two whole new roles in store for me. Professionally, I was appointed to the WEPA Management Board at the beginning of the year – personally, I became a proud dad to twins a few weeks ago. Both roles come with a great deal of responsibility, which fuels the passion that drives me forward.

Being an early riser, my day starts at 4 a.m. and I’m excited to now have two like-minded individuals at home who actively start the day with me. As a family person, I immensely enjoy these early morning hours with our kids. Accordingly, I was quick to accept that my business podcast playlist, which I listen to for inspiration during my normal morning routine, must now frequently yield to children’s songs. 😉

In both my roles, for the family and our family business alike, it is greatly important to me to take on responsibility and to actively shape the future. In our company, this ideal comes to life for me when we advance our goals with conviction, passion and courage. My desire is for all our colleagues to feel that they’re genuinely contributing – because they do.